Building on an EU wide sharing of data consolidated in a clearing house, ACDC delivers solutions and creates a pool of knowledge to help organisations across Europe fight botnets.
Started in February 2013, the European Advanced Cyber Defence Centre (ACDC) aims to create a community of stakeholders joining forces to fight botnets.
ACDC provides a complete set of solutions accessible online to mitigate on-going attacks and targeted both to end-users and to network operators. It also consolidates the data provided by various stakeholders into a pool of knowledge, accessible through the ACDC central clearing house.
ACDC reaches out to users across Europe through 8 national relay centres.
ACDC currently operates as a 30 months EU-supported pilot project, ending in July 2015 and aims to continue as a self-sustained infrastructure beyond the end of the project. Initiated by 28 partners from 14 countries, ACDC is open to stakeholders from industry, public authorities and academia across Member States.
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Do you want to be part of the biggest European Community of stakeholders joining forces to fight botnets?

1 cyber-defence centre, 8 national support centres, 4 tool groups
ACDC will provide tools and sensors to detect botnet related cyberthreats and mitigate cyberattacks on networks, web sites, end user computers and mobile devices.

Fighting botnets
ACDC aims to take down botnets through the elaboration of an European centre proposing a full set of services. The services are relayed through national support centres.

End-to-end approach
ACDC provides an end-to-end approach from detection to protection. ACDC will build on the data acquired through its European centre to create prevention strategies and improve the awareness and adoption across users.
About the ACDC Project
ACDC is a European pilot project funded under the CIP-PSP programme, with a total cost of 15,5 M€ and funding of 7,7 M€.
The ACDC project runs over 30 months from 01/02/2013 to 31/07/2015. ACDC intends to evolve beyond the end of the project into a sustainable European centre for cyber defence, building on 8 networked support centres and 1 clearing house deployed during the project and enlarging the cyber-protection scope beyond botnets.
ACDC unites a community of 28 organisations from 14 countries, including Internet Service Providers, CERTs, law enforcement agencies, IT providers, National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), academia and critical infrastructure operators.
ACDC aims to deploy an infrastructure of interconnected support centres across European Member States linked to a central ACDC clearing house. The goal of the infrastructure is to provide solutions to users to fight botnets, and to build up through data collection an analysis capability of botnets occurrence and behaviour to also provide early detection of emerging botnets.ACDC therefore aims to improve prevention, detection and mitigation of botnets.
The seed funding for ACDC is provided through a pilot, funded under the European CIP-PSP programme, and running from 1st February 2013 to 31st July 2015.
The piloting phase will enable ACDC to elaborate the different set of services provided through its infrastructure and to set up the central clearing house as well as 8 support centres across Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain.
The pilot phase will also give ACDC the opportunity to elaborate a business model to enable ACDC to become sustainable beyond the end of the project.
ACDC offers specific features that make it unique in the European landscape.
These unique characteristics include
These unique characteristics include:
· the European coverage of data acquisition
· an evolutive concept of an infrastructure of interconnected national support centres with a set of services that can be added progressively. Services delivered during ACDC as a project lifetime include
· End-users oriented tools, accessible through a simple user interface at and pointing to the different national support centres Centralised data feeds, available for further analysis
· Baseline set of services and approach to set up a new support centre, including a business model approach towards sustainability